1.1 说明#环境centos + openresty + lua-resty-mongol# nginx.confhttp: lua_shared_dict ipdb 45m;init_by_lua_file '/root/test/src/test/init.lua';location:set $region '';rewrite_by_lua_file '/root/test/src/test/set.lua';access_by_lua_file '/root/test/src/test/mongo.lua';content_by_lua 'ngx.say("hello,caoqing")';# ip库格式1.0.0.0 澳大利亚1.0.1.0 福建省1.0.4.0 澳大利亚1.0.8.0 广东省1.0.16.0 日本1.0.32.0 广东省1.0.64.0 日本1.0.128.0 泰国......# 功能解析客户端地址,并将相应变量写入mongodb1.2 加载ip到共享内存-- init.lua-- 2013.12.11 qing cao (lucifer)local cjson = require "cjson"local sfind = string.findlocal ssub = string.sublocal tinsert = table.insertlocal ilines = io.lineslocal tonumber = tonumberlocal ipdb = ngx.shared.ipdbfunction string_split(source_str, split_char) local find_index, start_index, num, split_array = 1, 1, 1, {} while true do local find_index, _ = sfind(source_str, split_char, start_index) if not find_index then split_array[#split_array + 1] = ssub(source_str, start_index, #source_str) break end local sub_str = ssub(source_str, 1, find_index - 1) split_array[#split_array + 1] = sub_str source_str = ssub(source_str, find_index + 1, #source_str) num = num + 1 end return num, split_arrayendlocal ipTab = {} for i = 0, 255 do ipTab[i] = {}endfor item in ilines("/root/test/src/iplist") do local _, arr = string_split(item, " ") _, _, startIpa, startIpb, startIpc, startIpd = sfind(arr[1], "(%d+).(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)") startIpnum = startIpa*16777216 + startIpb*65536 + startIpc*256 + startIpd _, _, endIpa, endIpb, endIpc, endIpd = sfind(arr[2], "(%d+).(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)") endIpnum = endIpa*16777216 + endIpb*65536 + endIpc*256 + endIpd tinsert(ipTab[tonumber(startIpa)], {startIpnum, endIpnum, arr[3]})endfor i = 0, 255 do local setInfo = cjson.encode(ipTab[i]) ipdb:set("group:" .. i, setInfo)end1.3 判断地址库,赋值nginx变量-- set.lua-- 2013.12.11 qing cao (lucifer)local sfind = string.findlocal tonumber = tonumberlocal cjson = require "cjson"local ipdb = ngx.shared.ipdblocal ip = ngx.var.remote_addrlocal _, _, ipa, ipb, ipc, ipd = sfind(ip, "(%d+).(%d+).(%d+).(%d+)")local ipnum = ipa*16777216 + ipb*65536 + ipc*256 + ipdlocal groupId = tonumber(ipa)local ipGroup = cjson.decode(ipdb:get("group:" .. groupId))local groupTot = #ipGroupfor i = 1, groupTot do if (ipnum >= ipGroup[i][1]) and (ipnum <= ipGroup[i][2]) then _res = ipGroup[i][3] break endendngx.var.region = _res1.4 将数据写入mongodb-- mongo.lua-- 2013.12.11 qing cao (lucifer)local M_server_addr = ngx.var.server_addrlocal M_addr = ngx.var.remote_addrlocal M_region = ngx.var.regionlocal M_user = ngx.var.remote_userlocal M_time = ngx.var.time_locallocal M_method = ngx.var.request_methodlocal M_scheme = ngx.var.schemelocal M_host = ngx.var.hostlocal M_uri = ngx.var.request_urilocal M_protocol = ngx.var.server_protocollocal M_referer = ngx.var.http_referer or ""local M_agent = ngx.var.http_user_agentlocal M_forwarded = ngx.var.http_x_forwarded_forlocal mongo = require "resty.mongol"conn = mongo:new()conn:set_timeout(1000)local ok, err = conn:connect("", "27017")if not ok then ngx.say("connect failed: " .. err)endlocal db = conn:new_db_handle ( "ddb" )local ok, err = db:auth("admin","admin")if not ok then ngx.say("failed to log in: " .. err)endlocal collection = "cq_log"local col = db:get_col(collection)local log_record = { { server_add = M_server_addr, region = M_region, remote_addr = M_addr, remote_user = M_user, time_local = M_time, request_method = M_method, scheme = M_scheme, http_host = M_host, request_uri = M_uri, server_protocol = M_protocol, request_body = M_body, status = M_status, body_bytes_sent = M_sent, http_referer = M_referer, http_user_agent = M_agent, http_x_forwarded_for = M_forwarded}}local r, err = col:insert(log_record, nil, true)if not r then ngx.status = 400 ngx.say("filed to set key: " .. err)endlocal ok, err = conn:set_keepalive(0,1000)if not ok then ngx.say("failed to set keepalive: ", err) returnend1.5 简单测试# test.pyimport urllib2import datetimestartime = datetime.datetime.now()for i in range(1000): reponse = urllib2.urlopen('http://localhost/')# headers = reponse.info()# data = reponse.read()# print headers, dataendtime = datetime.datetime.now()print 'START :', startimeprint 'END :', endtimeprint 'runningtime :', endtime - startime# resultSTART : 2013-12-11 15:08:49.708147END: 2013-12-11 15:09:32.323040runningtime: 0:00:42.614893